Every ordinary is extraordinary

Metin Karabaşoğlu

If mankind can unveil the curtain of ordinariness, he will observe that there is no single thing in this world to be called ordinary. Everything in this world is unique and perfect in the sense that it performs task that entail extraordinary power, science, will, artistry and wisdom and cries out the name of All-Sovereign.

THERE ARE SOME DANGEROUS CLASSİFİCATİONS injected into our mind without our being aware of it. These discriminations that are thought us in childhood, particularly during the flurry of school period turn into handicaps that hinder us from making sound decisions in late period of our life.

For instance, modern science classifies living beings into two categories; primitive and advanced. Single-celled living beings and primitive, plants are one step ahead of them. Animals are more developed than both; whereas mankind is perfect. This classification is based entirely on revolutionary approach, given also the time dimension of the concept of primitive. The mind is unlikely to recognize that All-Perfect maker so long as it keeps in it this separation. Even if such a man believes in a creator, it shall not be anyone who creates everything in a perfect shape; on the contrary it shall be someone with shortcomings in his power and perfection, who create some perfect beings together with primitive ones. A man in such a condition shall eventually be obliged, either to have a weakness of faith or end up with a misconception of “double reality” which separates the areas of science and religion. For, if he is a believer of Lord’s power and perfection, he will have to face the dilemma that exists between the truths of revelation and the output of the revolutionary science.

Nevertheless, if mankind could question the prejudices imposed on him and ask the question whether a perfect man is able to perform the duty of primitive organism, then the mystery of revolutionary science will be unveiled in a minute.

Indeed, mankind has not the power to do what a primitive organism can do. For, neither is amoeba primitive, because it is one-celled, nor is it one celled because it is primitive In a universe where numerous tasks are allocated to beings, the task given to amoeba can only be achieved by a single cell organism. Everything is created in a state as to perform its duty in a most perfect manner, so that nothing can replace the other. For instance, a human is unlikely to carry out the duty of an amoeba, tree, a bird or a fly.

To sum up, discrimination between primitive-developed is the product of revolutionary approach aiming to discredit the perfection and the All-perfect and is entirely groundless.

Another discrimination of this kind that has built up even in lives of those who have no kinship with science is made between ordinary and extraordinary. In this sort of discrimination, thinks we see daily and events that take place frequently are regarded as ordinary; whereas those that happen rarely are called extraordinary.

For example, snow is an ordinary happening in winter, but extraordinary in summer. The yielding of apple of apple tree is ordinary, but if an orange tree yields apples, it is extraordinary. A speaking baby is ordinary, but a speaking dog is extraordinary. Giving milk is ordinary for a cow, but extraordinary for a rock. When a chicken emerges from an egg it is ordinary but when it comes out of a rock it is extraordinary.

However, the veil of ordinariness on things and events that we’ve been regarding as ordinary is half-opened; it becomes obvious that the ordinary is no ordinary at all.

Let’s take the example of snow. Isn’t it unusual that drops of water, comprised of one inflammable and one caustic element, become solid at a height of thousands of meters and fall down on earth? Is it at all usual that each one of the flakes of snow has a distinctive embroidement, although they each have a hexagonal shape? Is it possible to name this bewildering embroidement, this artistry and multitude ordinary?

The waking up of dry-bone tree in spring, the carrying up of water and minerals to surface from underground at just required quantities; the turning of blossoms with a wonderful artistry and beauty into a sweet and healing fruit in abundance with extreme easiness and artistry are all extraordinary.

The formation of refreshing and relieving fluid by the combination of two gases, the manufacture of white milk in the body of a cow at a place full of blood and manure, the execution today of yesterday’s baby the act of speaking which involves numerous neural cells, the formation of a living chicken within lifeless egg. Are not all those sufficiently extraordinary.

In short, if mankind can unveil the curtain of ordinariness, he will observe that there is no single thing in this world to be called ordinary. Everything in this world is unique and perfect in the sense that it performs task that entail extraordinary power, science, will, artistry and wisdom and cries out the name of All-Sovereign.


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